
Will Nature's Secret 7 Day Cleanse Clean Drugs Out Of Your System?

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

NOV viii, 2022 AT iv:11 AM

Basemental Drugs seven.xiv.176

Here is a new version for you, with an expansive new collaborative characteristic which really started as a joke betwixt ii online-friends and modern authors. It is strange, funny and will add new depth of hilariously weird gameplay. I really hope you'll enjoy it half equally much equally I enjoyed myself working on it. Unfortunately Nisa is not quite done with the part of this feature that will be included in her mod just yet, but it is right around the corner.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

Patch Repair

  • Repaired for Game Patch ane.81.72

Changing World

  • Changed prices on a regional basis

  • New MDMA batches on the streets

  • Added newspaper popup

New Drug

  • Amanita Succubaria (Fantasy Shrooms)

  • Cross functionality with Nisa Grand'southward Wicked Perversions

  • Purchasable from both dealers and dark web

  • Researchable online

  • Added for reading and writing trip reports

  • Growing freely in nature

  • Cultivate the shrooms and harvest them

  • Acts as a mixture of an aphrodisiac and psychedelic drug

  • Shareable with friends

  • Bunch of new buffs and buff icons

  • More features when used in conjunction with Wicked Perversions

Selling Drugs

  • Reworked drug selling

  • Stock-still issues with selling to Loftier Level Clients

  • Stock-still issues with selling to Celebrities

  • Improved functionality of characteristic

  • Increased likelihood of Sims having cash when they call

Prison house Sentence

  • Incoming phone calls and texts blocked while in prison

  • No longer possible to sell drugs while awaiting trial

  • Pregnancy paused when incarcerated

  • Prison take a chance only available in one case per Sim

  • Disable prison life sentences from Cheats menu

  • Police and SWAT risk gear up to minimum later on prison sentence


  • Inverse posture to kneeling when drifting away

  • Fixed bug with drifting abroad

  • Increased likelihood of Drifting Away to occur

  • Fixed neglect buffs non appearing when failing to drift away


  • Added Cocaine Cowboy scenario

  • Added Cannabis Connoisseur scenario

Other Fixes

  • Dark Web commitment set back to postal service

  • Changed Pie Menu icon for buying LSD

  • Added failsafe for future patches to non suspension saves

  • Fixed missing tooltips from cannabis seed packs

  • Rarer cannabis seed packs not available from planters

  • Removed "Purchase Cannabis Seeds" from regular planters

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

Amanita Succubaria

Succubaria is a naturally occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced past one certain type of mushroom. Namely the Amanita Succubaria, which goes past the street name Amy. The mushroom tin can be recognized past it's distinct majestic color and white glowing dots.
Amanita Succubaria is widely known for it'south peculiar combination of psychedelic properties and being a strong aphrodisiac.
Amanita Succubaria is used in Shamanic rituals in some parts of the world, and is believed to exist a gateway betwixt the mythical fantasy creature Succubus and regular Sims.

Acquiring Drug
There are a few ways to acquire these shrooms. The commencement would be to get out in nature and look for them. Expect until they are harvestable and harvest them.

One time harvested y'all can of grade plant your own and cultivate them at home every bit you would with any other mushroom or constitute.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

The second way to acquire these new shrooms is purchasing from your assigned NPC dealer. The chance of your dealer having them in stock is not very high, however, and then don't depend on them having them for sale every time yous approach them.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

The tertiary mode to get a concord of Amanita Succubaria is from the Dark Web. The chance of seeing these shrooms on the Dark Web is a flake college than the take chances of your NPC dealer having them, but they are still considered relatively rare.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

You might also notice some jars for altering the chemical properties of the shrooms on the Dark Spider web. These jars require Nisa K.'s Wicked Perversions to office. Detailed caption on how the jars work tin exist found on Nisa'southward Patreon page.

Sharing Shrooms
Make certain the Sim yous are sharing it with is at least a Teen or older and that the Friendship between the target and your Sim is above 25%.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

One time your Sim has shared the Shrooms with a friend, both your Sim and their friend are able to trip together.

Selling (Drenched) Shrooms
This simply works with Nisa M.'s Wicked Perversions version ii.2.6 or greater installed, and only if y'all are playing as a Succubus or Incubus. Beginning of all you demand to drench the Shrooms. You lot tin can read more than on that process on Nisa's Patreon page by following the Wicked Perversions link above.

You need to make certain your Sim has the drenched particular in their inventory, and that they are a drug dealer with access to the Dark Web. Go to a computer on their dwelling house lot, so click on Drugs > Dark Spider web > Sell Drugs. From at that place yous can list the item for auction through the Dark Web.

In one case listed, the drenched shrooms volition show up every bit a purchasable detail for not-Succubus/Incubus Sims whenever they access the Nighttime Web to buy drugs. In one case it is bought it will be removed from the Nighttime Spider web.

However, this does non mean that detail in question can't exist found on the Dark Web for non-Succubus Sims if you don't go through the selling procedure explained above. What information technology ways is that the chances of finding this particular item without going through the above process is incredibly low.

The shrooms acts as a mixture of a strong aphrodisiac and heavy psychedelic drug. So the predominant moodlets will exist a mixture of mazed and flirty.

Equally it is a psychedelic it is not purely trippy and happy, the trip can also take turns towards darker corners of the Sims heed.

Your Sim will experience a lot of inner monologues and trippy thoughts throughout the duration of the trip, and come up out of the trip with a post trip buff that may change their mood for a few days.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

Your Sim may take more than one dose per trip, which will increase the furnishings, but information technology is non possible to overdose on the shrooms.

As you might be familiar with from other psychedelics, these shrooms volition quickly build up your Sims tolerance levels.

After a trip your Sim needs to wait a couple of days before ingesting more Amanita Succubaria, otherwise they will simply experience a weak uneventful trip.

Figurer Interactions
If your Sim is tripping on Amy, they can write trip reports through the BMD forum on whatsoever computer.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

They tin can also read other Sims Trip Reports, and research the drug through the same forum. (Pro-tip: If you want access to the Nighttime Web without having your Sim starting time dealing, you tin learn access by researching all the drugs in succession).

At that place are a agglomeration of other interactions equally well, just these require Wicked Perversions, and they are explained in item on Nisa's Patreon page.

Selling Drugs

This functionality has gotten quite the overhaul in this version. The biggest departure being that instead of it being required to sell 1 of each item you tin can sell multiple of the same detail.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

So for the subsequently stages of Cannabis Dealing for instance, instead of having to sell ane ziplock handbag of each strain of weed, y'all can at present sell 3 of AK-47 and ii of Purple Haze if you want. Or v bags of OG Kush.

The aforementioned goes for selling the other drugs.

Other than that, there was some major glitches with selling bricks to Loftier Level Clients and Celebrities. These bugs should now be squashed and working as intended again.


With the addition of Scenarios in this latest game patch, I thought information technology would be good to add together a few of my own. You tin now find 2 new ones under the listing of scenarios.

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

The point with these challenges was to brand them a chip more difficult than the other scenario challenges currently in the game. Hope y'all savour them, and best of luck!

Special Thanks

I need to give a special shoutout to a couple of people that helped out with the Amanita Succubaria feature. These guys are corking at what they do and I strongly recommend yous checking out their work.

💙 Ravasheen - Created 3D objects and meshes
💙 Trof - Created 2 new hidden NPC'south

Venue List

To make sure this works you need to download the updated Basemental Drugs venue list provided in this post. I recommend installing this venue list in a separate folder directly in your Mods folder chosen: Basemental Venue Listing

r/TS4_Rebels - Basemental Drugs 7.14.176 (09.11.2021)

Cull one of these 2 installation methods. Non both.

Basemental Drugs Installer (WINDOWS ONLY)

  • Delete all the erstwhile Basemental Drugs files from your Mods folder.*

  • Download this Basemental Drugs.exe file.

  • Run the Basemental Drugs.exe file.

  • Choose which Optional Packages you want included.

  • Delete your localthumbcache.package

* If you installed from the installer previously, you can delete the old files by launching the file chosen unins000.exe in your Basemental Drugs binder.

Basemental Drugs Zip (WINDOWS OR MAC)

  • Delete all the quondam Basemental Drugs files from your Mods folder.

  • Download the Basemental Drugs zip file.

  • Unzip the Basemental Drugs zilch file.

  • Place the files in a folder titled Basemental Drugs in your Mods folder.

  • Delete the Basemental Drugs zip file.

  • Delete your localthumbcache.parcel



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